Market Hall Performing Arts Centre Inc. is a not for profit charitable organization which operates the Market Hall as a busy, vital cultural centre. Market Hall Performing Arts Centre provides and maintains the premier venue in developing, nurturing, and sustaining the creative qualities of life in Peterborough.

Located in the heart of the downtown, Market Hall is a small to mid-size, multi-functional space that hosts a wide variety of performing arts groups, a series of youth presentations, community fundraising events and educational programmes.

Market Hall Performing Arts Centre has played an indispensable role as host to the region’s community-based and avant-garde performing arts activities, hosting a wide variety of national and international performers. It is unique in Peterborough and the region in its steadfast support of artists, and in its commitment to engaging young people in the arts, through opportunities to create work and by exposing young people to high quality, curriculum linked theatre, dance and music. Market Hall is wheelchair accessible and provides a hearing assist system.

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