Established as an amateur ensemble in 1962 and incorporated in 1979, the Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra contributes to the overall quality of life in Newfoundland and Labrador by fostering the live performance of orchestral music. From the early days with just a few professional musicians (Peter Gardner, John Herriott, Don Wherry) the NSO has grown into an 84-member semi-professional orchestra comprised of 7 contract musicians, fee-per-service players, university music students through the Orchestral Chairs Program, and other community players. The NSO Sinfonia is a professional ensemble consisting of 16 string players supplemented with other musicians as required. The Atlantic String Quartet (ASQ) is the resident string quartet of the NSO. All three ensembles present their own series of concerts plus special events.
As the only orchestra in Newfoundland and Labrador and the largest employer of musicians in the province, the Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra is a committed supporter of diversity amongst their musicians, guest artists and conductors. They are also committed to learning about and recognizing the critically important and invaluable contribution of BIPOC composers and musicians to classical tradition and performance.