Porteau Cove Park

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Porteau Cove Marine Park - Hero Image - 01

Situated on the most southerly fjord in North America, Porteau Cove Provincial Park features waterfront campsites with a view over Howe Sound to the mountains beyond. An old ship has been sunk to provide interest for scuba divers and to attract marine life. There are special facilities for divers. Adjacent train tracks are active and occasional noise disturbance may occur.

Special instructions

Illegally parked vehicles

Vehicles parked illegally at Porteau Cove Park will be subject to towing at the owner’s expense. Visitors must park in designated parking lots and observe the “no parking” signs posted.

Illegal parking has become a safety issue at Porteau Cove Park, with vehicles blocking access for emergency response and people parking along the highway. Thank you for making a visit to Porteau Cove safe for everyone.

Construction noise

Park visitors should be aware of ongoing construction work occurring on a neighbouring property. Noise and vibration disruption may occur during this time.

Train line adjacent to park

Park visitors should be aware of a train line which runs alongside the park. Trains can run during the early hours of the morning which can cause some noise disruption within the park.

Prevent raccoons from becoming food-conditioned

[Image alt-text: Do not feed the racoons]

ATTENTION: This park has an abundant raccoon population that thrives on park visitor’s food, garbage and other scented items.

Please follow these important guidelines to prevent raccoons from becoming food conditioned:

for non-compliance.

Thanks for your cooperation.

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